Accusative Prepositions · 77b46243a7816361e95d4bd696f6e652

What are prepositions?

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between two things. Think about the sentence The arrow goes ____ the wagon. Any word that fits in the blank is a preposition — through, around, over, and so on! This sentence only works for physical things, but it can give you a good idea of how to identify a preposition. Here are a couple more abstract ones:

Bitte einen Kaffee ohne Zucker.
A coffee please without sugar.
Diese Blume ist für deinen Garten.
This flower is for your garden.

Accusative Prepositions

Certain prepositions come with certain cases. For example, ohne and für are accusative prepositions, so the noun that follows uses accusative der word or ein word endings.

der Park
the park​
Wir gehen durch den Park.
We go through the park.​
Keine Suppe für dich!
No soup for you!​
die Straße
the street​
Der Mann fährt die Straße entlang.
The man rides along the street.​

Sometimes prepositions in German come at the end of the phrase instead of at the beginning. You see that in the third sentence above — entlang is at the end.