Conjunctions · 7e0188650f507a6a2884e13e928a3b67

What are conjunctions?

Conjunctions are words that help combine sentences and phrases! For example, I like fruits and vegetables, or He left because he was tired. In addition to und, the following words can be added to a sentence and nothing needs to change:

Ich mag keine Orangen, aber ich mag Äpfel.
I don’t like oranges, but I like apples.​

Die Frauen trinken das Wasser nicht, denn es ist schmutzig.
The women don’t drink the water because it is dirty.​

Der Junge hat Hunger, doch er isst nicht.
The boy is hungry, yet he doesn’t eat.​

Ich lerne nicht Englisch, sondern Deutsch.
I don’t learn English, rather German.​

Entweder ja oder nein.
Either yes or no.

Notice that in German, you should add a comma before the conjunction!

Word Order

German has some conjunctions that affect where the verb goes! They push the verb to the end of the phrase. Let’s take a look at some of them!

Du trinkst, weil du Durst hast.
You drink because you are thirsty.​

Ich mag es, wenn es einfach ist.
I like it if it is easy.​

Wir laufen, obwohl wir müde sind.
We run, although we are tired.

If you begin the sentence with one of these conjunctions, the verb is still pushed to the end of the phrase. Then you put down the comma, and start with the verb from the next part of the sentence!

Da ich keinen Hunger habe, esse ich nicht.
Since I am not hungry, I don’t eat.​

Sobald sie Wasser hat, trinkt sie.
As soon as she has water, she drinks.​

Solange der Hund schläft, ist er süß.
As long as the dog sleeps, he is cute.​