Money · c37ec0a75877638da09f65af9abe839c

What’s the cost?

To find out what something costs, use kosten!

Was kostet das?
What does that cost?​

Das kostet fünf Euro.
That costs five Euros.​

Alles hat seinen Preis!

In most of the German‑speaking world, the currency is the Euro (€). The coins are referred to as Cent. But in Switzerland, they use the Schweizer Franken.

Wie viele Schweizer Franken brauchen wir?
How many Swiss francs do we need?​

The custom of giving Trinkgeld after dining is customary in the German‑speaking world as well! You don’t tip as much as you would in the U.S. ‑ just round the bill total up a bit.​

German Sounds

Don’t forget that even though we may use a word in English, pronouncing it the same way won’t work!

(as in “boy”)

The sound of a d changes depending on where it is in the word. At the beginning of a word, it’s just like we say in English. When it’s at the end of the word, it makes a t sound!

GeldGeld, Kleid, Feind
(as in “hit”)