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Library or Bookstore?

In Italian, libreria means bookstore. To say library, use the word biblioteca instead.

Quale libreria vende il suo libro?
Which bookstore sells his book?

D'estate lavoriamo in libreria.
In the summer we work in the bookstore

Il Mio Paese

The Italian word paese is very special. It means both country and town! Context will help you figure out whether people are talking about a whole country or a small town!

Siamo dello stesso paese.
We are from the same country.
Vivo in un piccolo paese.
I live in a small town.


In Italian, palazzo means palace, but it also means building. When you hear Italians talking about palazzi, most of the time, it will just be a normal, everyday building. So palazzi aren’t just for royalty in Italy!

Lui vive in un palazzo importante.
He lives in an important palace.
Le donne sono sui balconi dei palazzi.
The women are on the balconies of the buildings.

Another word for building in Italian is edificio.

Il nuovo edificio è enorme.
The new building is enormous.