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Mi perrito

In Spanish, you can use the word ending ‑ito to indicate that something is little or to show affection.

Bruno es mi hermanito.
Bruno is my little brother.​

Notice that the ending can be ‑ito, ‑ita, ‑itos or ‑itas depending on the gender of the noun and whether it’s singular or plural.​

Tenemos dos perritos en casa.
We have two little dogs at home.

A mi madre le encantan esas mesitas.
My mother loves those little tables.

Me llevo bien con Pablo

Remember that llevar can have different meanings in Spanish. Let’s have a look!

To say what you wear Llevo puesto un sombrero.
To say what you carry Llevo las bolsas a la cocina.
To say what you get in a store ¡Esa camisa, me la llevo!
To say that you get along with someone ¿Tú te llevas bien con tus padres?