Information 3 · 7b68e45487da1c1fa68b0bb0eb758ba0

Oh se can you see

When le or les come before lo, la, los, or las, they turn into se.

Le compré un libro y se lo di.
I bought her a book and I gave it to her.​

Él le escribió una carta y ya se la mandó.
He wrote him a letter and he already sent it to him.

No me diste nada

Dar is very special in the preterite! Even though it’s an ‑ar verb, it takes ‑er / ‑ir endings.

to give​
yo di
él / ella
nosotros / nosotras dimos
ellos / ellas

Ella me dio una buena noticia.
She gave me some good news.​

Ellas no me dieron los mensajes.
They didn’t give me the messages.