Shopping 3 · 552f01d5bc970ed0f8c1cbd2ef3b77e2

¡Lo quiero comprar!

To avoid repeating the same word over and over again in English, we use words like it and them. For example, I like that shirt. I want it! or Do you like these shoes? I want them!

In Spanish, you can use lo, la, los, or las to avoid repetition, depending on the gender of the noun and how many things you’re talking about. Notice below how lo, la, los, and las come before the verb !

¿Te gusta este vestido? ¡Lo quiero!
Do you like this dress? I want it!

Me gusta esta camisa y la quiero.
I like this shirt and I want it.

Estos zapatos, ¿los necesitas?
These shoes, do you need them?

Ellas tienen manzanas pero no las comen!
They have apples, but they do not eat them!

This and That

In Spanish, the words for this and that change depending on both the gender and number of the noun .

This / These That / Those
este libro
this book
ese señor
that man
esta cámara
this camera
esa chica
that girl
estos vestidos
these dresses
esos chicos
those boys
estas chaquetas
these jackets
esas frutas
those fruits

¡Ya lo tengo!

Ya is a little word that does a lot of work! The most common use of ya is to mean already.

Esta tienda ya la conozco.
I already know this store.

¿Ya tienes esta chaqueta?
Do you already have this jacket?