Directions · a8dbbe3f90fbda32f7e50a41b732ccb3

Derecho vs derecha

Be careful with derecho and derecha! They look similar but mean very different things.

Usted tiene que girar a la derecha.
You have to turn right.
Vamos derecho en esta calle.
We go straight on this street.
Sigue derecho y después gira a la derecha.
Continue straight and then turn right.

Giving Instructions

Remember that how you tell someone to do something in Spanish depends on if the conversation is friendly or formal.

tú girasgira ¡Gira a la derecha!
Turn right!
usted giragire Gire a la derecha, por favor.
Turn right, please.

If the usted form ends in ‑gue, swap out the ‑gue for ‑ga.

tú siguessigue ¡Sigue en esta calle!
Continue on this street!
usted siguesiga Siga en esta calle, señor.
Continue on this street, sir.